Upcoming trainings

Dates, details and contact info. Find out how to register for the next NWTA in Queensland.

Queensland Men’s Circles

Times, dates, locations and contact details for men’s circles (MKP iGroups) near you.

Get in touch

Give us a call, fill out our enquiry form or find contact details for men in your area.

Real, grounded men supporting the personal growth and development of all men

The ManKind Project Queensland is a community of grounded, conscious individuals who support men to explore and improve their connection to healthy, mature masculinity. We’re building accountable and compassionate men – the  male role models that our communities so desperately need.

Discover how connected and free you can feel by connecting to and understanding your emotions.

New Warrior Training Adventure

Upcoming trainings

Current Month

November 2024

29nov01decQueensland November 2024 NWTALearn more...

Find out where NTWAs are happening in the rest of Australia.

Click a pin to view the contact details for the individual group.


MKP Men’s Circles in Queensland

iGroups are the cornerstone of who we are – men supporting men via our regular men’s support groups. Some of our iGroups have been runnng for the past 20 years. Many iGroups across the state meet weekly.


Todays iGroups welcome all men to sit in circle and get a feel for what we say and do. No pressure just support! These peer-led groups help you get the skills, awareness and support you need to achieve the change you want.



Get the skills, awareness and support you need to achieve the change you want

Find an iGroup in your area

Current Month

Get in touch

Mankind Project Queensland is a strong community of supportive men. To get in touch with us or find out more call us on 1300-657-753.

Postal address

PO BOX 915, Oxenford,
QLD 4210, AU


Enrolment and general enquiries

Scott Grimmett




Mankind Project Queensland Inc

Email: Membership Administrator
Phone: 1300 MKPQLD (657 753).

Drop us a line

We’re happy to talk and will usually respond within 24 hours. All information submitted with be treated with care and respect.

Useful Links & Related Organisations

Women’s programs our ‘sister organisations’
General health and wellbeing for men